
Trainer Information

Jeremy Jones

 Jeremy's features include:

United States Marine Corps. Sergeant  2000-2004

B.S. in Health Fitness Specialist from East Carolina University  (3.86GPA)  2009

Two time national qualifier in olympic weightlifting (2015) (2017)

Tennessee state 62kg category record holder in snatch, clean and jerk, and total.

Avid trail runner

Has helped hundreds of clients reach their fitness goals.

Once clog danced to Bob Seger songs for two days straight.

USAW competition history:

2014 FXTX open unleashed   wt:69kg total:216kg

2014 Central Texas oly open  wt:77kg total:229kg

2015 Black Box summer showdown  wt:69kg total:222kg

2015 American Open  wt:69kg total:214kg

2016 Oak Cliff weightlifting classic wt:69kg total:227kg

2017 Blue Wave weightlifting championships wt:69k total:232kg sinclair: 308.39

2017 Funky town throw down  wt:69kg total: 0

2017 Harambe Classic wt:69kg total:225kg

2017 Handle Barbell Invitational wt:69kg total:217kg

2017 Tennessee Open Championship wt:62kg total:210kg sinclair: 299.08

2017 Stoneage classic wt:62kg total: 207kg

Teaching History:

United States Marine Corps (Sergeant), NC - 2000-2004

Pure Power Boot camp/ Instructor, NYC - 2009-2010

Fox News/ Fitness Specialist, NYC - 2009-2010

NBC Studios/ Instructor, NYC - 2009-2010

Fossil/ Fitness Specialist, TX - 2011-2013

Alliance Family of Companies/ corporate wellness- 2013-2017

Open Gym Barbell2011-Present